Chip Color Options

We have 28 incredible colors to choose from. If you like to add glitter to your chip color selection, we can do that! Scroll down to check out all our colors and click on the color if you would like to zoom in!


The Royal line combines our flakes with metallic flakes. Giving it a flashy touch.

These chip colors must use the Platinum system.


The Garrazo lines utilizes marbled chips in some of our colors like Ceder Key and Key Biscayne. In Southwest, Naples Pier and Captiva, you will notice an additional smaller chip, to give it a difference texture.

These chip colors must use the Gold or Platinum system.


The Homestead line uses the normal 1/4 inch chips. These colors are more toward earthly feels.

These chip colors can use the Silver, Gold or Platinum system.

Garage Trend

The Garage Trend line is for our racing enthusiasts!

These chip colors can use the Silver, Gold or Platinum system.